The QR code and the mobile wallet make for powerful friends

The QR code and the mobile wallet make for powerful friends

There’s a counter on the homepage of the GSMA’s website which tells you that today, there are some 5.1 billion unique mobile subscribers in the world. Elsewhere in its pages you can see that there are now more than one billion registered mobile money accounts – that’s one in five of the world’s mobile subscribers.

Zero-Touch and Zero-Trust – it’s a perfect marriage

Zero-Touch and Zero-Trust – it’s a perfect marriage

In a zero-trust environment, everyone and everything has to prove who or what it is when making a request of the network. It makes no difference whether that request is coming from outside of the network, or from someone on the inside – or at least someone appearing to be on the inside. Each request needs to be verified, authenticated, and tested before it can be trusted.

Deadline for SCA compliance approaching fast for European retailers

Deadline for SCA compliance approaching fast for European retailers

Payments consultancy CMSPI believes the looming deadline in Europe for retailers to comply with the regulations around Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for online sales could cause further damage to an industry already suffering from the effects of severely reduced in-store footfall.

Emerging from lockdown = how to do business safely with Onescan

Emerging from lockdown = how to do business safely with Onescan

All across the world, businesses that rely on getting people through the door – be it restaurants, theatres, art galleries, or hotels – have been keeping their doors closed during lockdown. And while retail outlets could try to keep the revenue flowing by pushing their online sales even harder, for others that option either did not exist or could not be expected to get even close to bridging the gap.

Mobiles make the world go around

Mobiles make the world go around

The modern mobile industry is only a little over 30 years old – the mobile money market barely a decade. Yet the power of that mobile device to change habits and revolutionise the way we live is both breathtaking and undiminished. The GSMA released a report this month that showed there are now more than one billion mobile money accounts active in the world.

Keeping your contactless distance

Keeping your contactless distance

Social distancing – it’s phrase that few of us would have used little more than one month ago, but one which has now entered the social lexicon in different countries and different languages all around the world. But as well as changing language and behaviour, the Covid-19 Coronavirus crisis has also changed business and the way we trade.

Meeting PSD2’s Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) rules with contactless payments

Meeting PSD2’s Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) rules with contactless payments

We are living through unparalleled times. The COVID 19 pandemic is causing worldwide disruption on a scale that few thought possible – stocks and shares in free-fall, restrictions on travel, on socialising, entertainment, on sport. There’s panic buying in the shops and online grocery sales are booming even as retailers struggle to manage the demand.

Will 2020 be the year of the QR Code in European payments?

Will 2020 be the year of the QR Code in European payments?

What’s really going on in payments? Will 2020 be the year of the QR Code in European payments? There’s host of factors lining up to force change on the online payments market in Europe and beyond. Tony Craddock, the Director General of the Emerging Payments Association has looked at the changes 2020 will bring, touching on PSD2 as well as outlining some of the other major themes that he predicts will impact the payments market this year.